Friday, October 25, 2024

October 27

This Week's Supported Worker is

The Wednesday, October 30th, AWANA theme is Bible Character Costume Night.


  • Jesus Made a Deaf Man Hear
  • Jesus helps us by His power
  • Mark 7:31 – 37
  • Psalm 51:8

PreK/ K

  • God’s Grace for the World
  • God’s promises always come true.
  • Genesis 8:1 – 9:17
  • Psalm 89:34


  • God Accomplished His Will
  • God is worthy of our faith and obedience.
  • Gen. 27:1-40

2nd-3rd SS

  • God Chose Jacob over Esau
  • God is worthy of our trust no matter our circumstances.
  • Gen. 25:19-34; 27
  • Jer 17:7, 8a

4th–5th SS

  • Fallout of Adam’s Sins
  • God cursed Adam and Eve for disobeying Him.
  • Genesis 3:1 – 19
  • Romans 5:12

1st–5th  CC

  • Brother Against Brother
  • God’s plan to provide salvation could never be stopped
  • Genesis 4;5
  • Romans 5:19

Friday, October 18, 2024

October 20

This Week's Supported Worker is Alpha Grand Rapids

This Wednesday, October 23rd, is AWANA store night.


  • Jesus Healed a Withered hand
  • Jesus cares about our bodies.
  • Matthew 12:9 – 13
  • Psalm 111:1

PreK/ K

  • God’s Grace for Noah
  • God sent Jesus as the way of salvation.
  • Genesis 6; 7
  • Genesis 6:8

1st SS

  • God Provided a Substitute
  • God provided Christ as our substitute sacrifice for sin
  • Gen. 21:1-7; 22:1-19

2nd-3rd SS

  • God Tested Abraham’s Faith
  • God teaches us to have faith in Him.
  • Gen. 18:1-15; 21:1-8; 22:1-19
  • Hebrews 11:1

4th–5th SS

  • Enemy Number One
  • God allowed His angels to choose to love and serve Him.
  • Gen 3:15; Is 14:12-15; Ez 28:12-17; John 8:44; Col 2:13 – 15; Rev. 20:10

1st–5th  CC

  • God Gives Grace
  • God offers salvation by His grace
  • Genesis 3:20-24
  • Romans 5:19

Friday, October 11, 2024

October 13

This Week's Supported Workers are 

The Wednesday, October 16th, AWANA theme is AWANA Team Color Night.


  • Jesus healed a woman’s back
  • Jesus cares about our bodies.
  • Luke 13:10 – 13
  • Psalm 111:1

PreK/ K

  • God’s Grace for Adam
  • God offers to forgive us our sins
  • Genesis 3
  • Col. 1:14

1st SS

    • God Made a Promise
    • God promised to bless the world through Abraham.
    • Gen. 12:1-9; 15

    2nd-3rd SS

    • God Promised Salvation
    • Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to bless the nations.
    • Gen. 11:1–12:4; 15
    • Galatians 3:8

    4th–5th SS

    • God Created a Heavenly Host
    • God created angels to worship Him and do His will in the world.
    • Various Scriptures
    • Col 1:16

    1st–5th  CC

    • God Demands Justice
    • God’s justice demands punishment for sin
    • Genesis 3:14-19
    • Romans 5:19

    Friday, October 4, 2024

    October 6

    This Week's Supported Workers are the Bettigs.

    Additional Resource:  The Tough Questions class' topic this morning is LGBTQIA2S+.  

    Two of the tough questions are:
    What do you do when your child says he is gay?
    What do you do when your gay child says "I do"?

    You can check out the class notes on Monday, 10/7/24, at


    • Jesus Received Praise
    • Jesus deserves our praise
    • John 9:8 – 38
    • Psalm 147:5

    PreK/ K

    • God Provided Food
    • God provides for our needs.
    • Gen 1:29-31; 2:16, 17
    • Genesis 1:29


    • God Rescued a Family
    • God offers to rescue us from our sin.
    • Gen. 6:1–9:17

    2nd-3rd SS

    • God’s Mercy Preserved the Nations
    • God can carry out His plans no matter what.
    • Gen. 10; 11
    • Psalm 145:9

    4th–5th SS

    • God Created Marriage
    • God created marriage to between on man and one woman.
    • Gen 2:18 – 25
    • Genesis 2:24

    1st–5th  CC

    • The First Sin
    • Sin ruined God’s perfect creation
    • Genesis 3:1-13
    • Romans 5:19

    Thursday, September 26, 2024

    September 29

    Go to KIDZ in Church for more about what KIDZ in Church.
    There is no children's church for 1st through 5th graders.
    Other KIDZ class lessons are available after the KIDZ in Church info.

    For KIDZ sermon notes, click HERE.

    Pastor Brett is preaching from Romans 16:17-23.
    BIG IDEA:  Beware of FALSE teachers.

    These teachers are described as self-promoters not God-glorifiers.

    They must be avoided because they try to make you turn away from God and toward someone or something else.

    Some words to listen for.

    • MICROSCOPE/TELESCOPE - Watch out for FALSE teachers.
    • TRAIN TRACKS - False teaching is close to but not FALSE teaching.  It is near the truth but is counterfeit.
    • COLLAR - When you take someone by the collar, you want them to focus on what you are about to say.
    • CRUSH - The God of Peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.  Notice anything interesting about that verse?  God of Peace will Crush.  God hates sin and will crush it because sin breaks peace with God and with others. 
    • WOLF/WOLVES - The FALSE teachers are like wolves among the sheep.

    One quote to talk with your children about is the J.C. Ryle quote.
    "Three things that a person should never plan with - a little poison, a little false teaching, and little sin."

    Remind your children that we need to desire to grow closer to God, and one way to do this is through reading and studying God's Word.

    This Week's Supported Workers is Harry & Eileen Bettig.


    • Jesus Made a Blind Man See
    • Jesus helps us by His power.
    • John 9:1 – 7
    • Psalm 147:5

    PreK/ K

    • God Provided Work
    • God gives us work as a way to honor Him.
    • Gen 1:28-31; 2:15,19,20
    • Genesis 2:15

    1st SS

    • God Gave Grace
    • God's grace is sufficient to cover all our sins.
    • Gen. 2:8–3:24

    2nd-3rd SS

    • God's Grace Rescued Noah
    • God's grace to Noah helps us understand salvation from sin.
    • Gen. 6:1–9:17
    • Romans 6:23

    4th–5th SS

    • God Created People
    • God created male and female in His image to commune with & glorify Him.
    • Gen 1:26-29;2:7-24;Rev 4:11
    • Genesis 1:27

    Friday, September 20, 2024

    September 22

    This Week's Supported Workers are Nick and Dana Harmon

    Wednesday, September 25th, AWANA theme is Stuffed Friend Night


    • Jesus Made a Friend
    • Jesus loves all people
    • Luke 19:1 – 10
    • 1 John 1:8

    PreK/ K

    • God Provided Human Life
    • God wants us to fellowship with Him.
    • Gen 1:26,27; 2:7,8,18-25
    • Is. 45:11, 12

    1st SS

    • God Holds Everything Together
    • God holds His Creation together.
    • Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:1-3

    2nd-3rd SS

    • God’s Grace Covered Adam’s Sin
    • God offers saving grace to all sinners.
    • Gen. 2:9, 16, 17; 3; 4
    • Romans 5:19

    4th–5th SS

    • God created the World
    • God created the world in six literal days.
    • Gen 1:1-25; 2:1-6
    • Genesis 2:4

    1st–5th  CC

    • God Created Man and Woman
    • God made man in His image
    • Genesis 1:26-2:23
    • Ps 148:3,5,12,13

    Friday, September 6, 2024

    September 8, 2024

    Supported Worker


    • Jesus visited His Friends
    • God wants us to be kind.
    • Luke 10:38 – 42
    • Eph. 4:32

    PreK/ K

    • God provided Plant Life
    • God designed the earth as the perfect place to live.
    • Genesis 1:1 – 13
    • Genesis 1:1

    1st SS

    • God Made the Universe
    • God created the world by His awesome power.
    • Gen. 1:1-25

    2nd-3rd SS

    • od Created the World
    • God created the universe from nothing in six days.
    • Gen. 1:1–2:3
    • Genesis 1:31

    4th–5th SS

    • God’s Clear Command
    • The Trinity is worthy of our wholehearted love and devotion.
    • Various Passages
    • Deut 6:4, 5

    1st–5th  CC

    • God, Sustainer of the Universe
    • God sustains the earth and universe
    • Gen 1:1-19, Col 1:16,17 Rom 8:19-22, Job 38
    • Ps 148:3,5,12,13