Friday, October 28, 2022

Kids In Church

Next Sunday - November 6 - the 1st through 5th graders will be in the service with their parents.  In this post, I want to answer some specific questions. 

How often will TBC have these Kids in Church Sunday?

Every 3 to 6 months and usually on or around a 5th Sunday month.

What do we need to do this Sunday?

After Sunday School be sure to pick up your 1st - 5th-grade child from the classroom.  They will be in the service with you the entire time.  

Before the service, you can pick up a kid's sermon notes page at the Sunday School or at the communications center, by the upstairs elevator door.  

How do these Kids In Church Sundays fit with the goal of TBC’s children’s ministry?

Parents are the primary disciple-makers in their child’s life.  On other Sunday different families may have different plans for Sunday service time.   

  • Some parents may choose to have their children with them in the service regularly.  The children and family ministry of TBC wants to help you do that. 

  • Some parents may choose to have their children in children’s church downstairs during the whole service.  The children and family ministry of TBC wants to offer age-appropriate classes that provide lessons for you to talk about with your child. 

  • Some parents may choose to have their children in the auditorium during the service opening and then send them downstairs before the service.  We will continue to have that slide in the service that says children can be dismissed at this time for children's church.

Parents, prayerfully disciple your children and when needed seek help on how to do this.

An additional note, if you decide to keep your child with you because of some thing didn't go well for your child during children, please let Pastor Dave or one of the other leaders know. 

What should I do if my child doesn't get anything from being in the service?

REMEMBER:  Children are learning more than we think they are. 

First, for each Kids In Church Sunday, I develop a note sheet for the children.  

Don't think "my child needs to get or understand EVERYTHING in the sermon."  Instead think "my child needs to get or understand SOMETHING."  Ask your child "What is one thing you learned or were reminded of in today's sermon?

Let me remind you of two things your child "gets" every single time they are with you in the service.  First and most importantly, they get to see you - their parent or grandparent or spiritual mentor - worshiping God in song, opening the Bible, and attentively listening to the pastor preach.  Second, they get to see the pastor proclaim God's Word through preaching.

Here is an 11-minute podcast about Kids in Church -  

A quote from this podcast:  "The aim is that the children catch the passion for worshiping God by watching mom and dad enjoy God week after week. What would be the impact if, for twelve years, the children saw his dad with his face in his hands praying during the prelude to worship? What would be the impact if they saw mom and dad beaming with joy in singing the praises of God?" 

What if the content of the sermon is more mature than we would like our child to hear?

In my opinion, this is the most challenging of the three oppositions.  So I want to be careful in answering it.

Pastor Brett and I try to coordinate the Kids In Church Sundays around his preaching schedule.

In a service that is not geared towards children, there are words and ideas that come up that kids will have questions about, and parents don't know how to answer.

There are the realities of sin in our world that need to be addressed in sermons:  pornography, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, sex trafficking, and others. 

There are God-given gifts that are not easy to talk about with young children:  sex in the context of marriage.

First of all, when we have had messages that focus on topics like homosexuality, we have our regular children's church program through 3rd grade and we have added an optional class for 4th and 5th graders.

Now here comes the challenging part.  Please read through to the end.

I have read in several places that the appropriate time for a parent to start talking with their child about sex is "younger than you think."  Our culture is becoming more and more sexualized.  Magazines in the supermarket.  Commercials at the most unexpected times.  Conversations with friends at school.  And in many cases, these are not the messages we want our children to know.

Would you rather have a conversation with your son or daughter about same-sex marriage after the pastor at church mentions it during a Biblical sermon or after your son hear about it on the playground or through a TV clip hears in passing?

Here is a section from Time for the Talk by Steve Zollos

Growing up has never been easy, not for boys. For many of you fathers reading this book, fistfights, police chases, and broken hearts seemed to be waiting around every corner during your teen years—but the world we see today isn’t the world you grew up in. Not even close. Back then there was at least some protection from the dirt of the world. Today, a boy steps off the school bus and into a place you and I never conceived of in our youth. Gangs, drugs, shootings, condoms, sex, pornography, and perversion are everywhere. Worst of all, it’s largely accepted, tolerated, or condoned by those in authority.

Oh, so your son is in private school? Or he’s home-schooled? Do you really think that makes things different for him? Maybe a little bit, but don’t let that give you a false sense of security. That young man still lives in a world hugely more seductive and radically more damaging than the one you knew at his age. Have you listened to his music lately? Have you taken a walk around your neighborhood? Do you have any idea what a typical group of young people talks about in private? Have you heard the language, seen the actions, and understood the values being promoted on movies, television, video games, computer, and cell phone screens? In the time that you’ve been on the internet, have you seen things that you would never want your son to see, even accidentally? How much more time does he spend online than you? With all of this talk about the trouble in this world, let's remember that our hope is in God.

He has given us what we need to live for His glory.  Jesus.  The Holy Spirit.  The Word of God. The church.  Biblical sermons. 

Let's help our kids find their hope in God.

What if my child is not able to sit still?

This is a training issue.  As you think about this question, consider the future.

The 8 Tips guide that is going home with 1st through 5th graders this Sunday has some great suggestions.  Here are a couple of them.


Look over the bulletin or service details online; point out what will be happening and how your child can participate. This may mean teaching him a refrain of a responsive reading or teaching him a phrase from a song or chorus and asking him to listen to it. Pray with your child before the service starts.


By teaching your child hymns and worship songs at home he will be able to participate in the service.  If he cannot learn the whole song, teach him the refrain and signal to him when it is time to sing the part he knows.  Encourage your child to sit and to stand at the appropriate times, to clap when appropriate, etc.  Have your child bring an offering and place it in the plate.

Click HERE for all EIGHT Tips for Helping Your Child Worship.

Click HERE for Parenting in the Pew Resources  (Keeping The Quiet, Keeping Them Involved, Helping Them Worship)

As soon as the songs are made known, I will post the songs on the kids page.

Let's help each other joyfully follow God.

October 30


Toddler  SS
Jesus made a deaf man hear
Jesus helps us with His power.
Mark 7:31-37
Psalm 51:8

PreK/ K SS
God’s grace for the world
God’s promises always come true
Gen 8:1-9:17
Ps 89:34

1st  SS
God accomplished his will
God is worthy of our faith and obedience

Gen 27:1 – 40
Heb 11:1

2nd-3rd SS
God chose Jacob over Esau
God is worthy of our trust no matter our circumstances
Gen 25:19-34; 27
Jer 17:7, 8a

4th–5th SS
Fallout of Adam’s Sin
God cursed Adam and Eve for disobeying Him.
Gen. 3:1-19
Rom 5:12

1st–5th  CC
Two Battles with Ai
God wants us to take his commands seriously
Josh 7;8
In Children's Church we reviewed last week's verse Joshua 1:8 and 9.

The scheduled verse for this week's lesson was Joshua 23:14b

"you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that  
not one word of all the good words  
which the Lord your God spoke 
concerning you has failed;  
they all have been fulfilled for you, 
not one of them has failed

This memory verse reminds the Israelites of what they should already know.
God is faithful and He never fails.
Not one of God's words have failed.
Use the content and the truth in this verse to help your child see that their hope must be in the Lord, who is faithful.

During the lesson, we talked about the fact that it is a sin to do something God told you not to do.
Whether that is taking a Golden Oreo you were told not to take (our in-class example) OR taking gold, silver, and clothes that God told you not to take from a fallen city (our Bible example).

Achan saw gold, silver, and clothes.
Achan coveted gold, silver, and clothes.
Achan stole gold, silver, and others.
Achan used deception and hid the gold, silver, and clothes.
Achan had to be punished for his sin and he was stoned.

If I am a child of God, Jesus Christ has taken my sin upon himself.
If I am not a child of God, I will be punished for eternity.  

Also, our sin impacts other people.

This link was added on November 3 - A post specifically about teaching difficult stories like Achan to kids -

Our study Joshua continues to remind us that our victory is in the Lord. 

Contents of the Bag that went home with kids today

  • 8 Tips for Helping Your Child Worship pdf.  This is to help prepare for next week's Kids in Church Sunday.
  • Joshua 1:9 Reminder card
  • Memory Sticks for the first six.  This is a starter craft you can do with your children.  Finish the rest of the Old Testament books.  Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to work on memorizing the Old Testament books. 

 After Sunday School, be sure to pick up your 1st - 5th grader child from their classroom.  They will be in the service with their parents for the entire service.
Kids’ sermon notes will be provided next Sunday morning.

NOW, there is a general KIDS IN CHURCH post up now, explaining some of the basics on why we are doing this, how to prepare your kids, what to expect, and questions to ask.

THURSDAY, there will be a guide and sermon notes page for next Sunday’s passage.

 **  If you are a parent serving in children’s ministry next week please let Pastor Dave know and we will make arrangements.  **

Friday, October 21, 2022

October 23

This week's missionary focus is the Layer family.

Toddler  SS
Jesus healed a withered hand -
Jesus cares about our bodies.
Matthew 12:9-13
Ps 111:1

PreK/ K SS
God’s grace for Noah -
God sent Jesus as the way of salvation
Gen 6, 7
Gen 6:8

1st  SS
God provided a substitute
God provided Christ as our substitute sacrifice for our sin
Gen 21:1-7; 22:1-19
2 Cor 5:21

2nd-3rd SS
God tested Abraham’s faith
God teaches us to have faith in Him
Gen 18:1-15; 21:1-8; 22:1-19
Heb 11:1

4th–5th SS
Enemy Number One
God allowed His angels to choose to love and serve Him.
Gen. 3:15; Is 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:12-17; Rev. 20:10
Col 2:15

1st–5th  CC
Victory over Jericho
God always keeps his promises
Josh 5:13 – 6:27
Josh 1:8, 9

Friday, October 14, 2022

October 16

Missionary Family Member - N

Toddler  SS
Jesus healed a woman’s back - Jesus cares about our bodies.
The passage is Luke 13:10-13.  
The memory verse is Psalm 111:1

PreK/ K SS
God’s grace for Adam - God offers to forgive us our sin
The passage is Genesis 3.  
The memory verse is Colossians 1:14

1st  SS
God made a promise - God promised to bless the world through Abraham
The passage is Genesis 12:1 – 9; 22:1 -19.  
The memory verse is Genesis 12:3c

2nd-3rd SS
God promised salvation - God’s son fulfilled God’s promise to bless the nations
The passage is Genesis 11:1 – 12:4; 15.  
The memory verse is Galatians 3:8

4th–5th SS
God Created a Heavenly Host - God created angels to worship Him and do His will in the world.
The passage is 2 Kings 6:8-18; Job 38:4-7; Is 6:1-4; Matt. 4:11; Col. 1:16.  
The memory verse is Colossians 1:16

1st–5th  CC
Crossing the Jordan - God provides a way for us to follow his will
The passage is Joshua 3, 4
The memory verse is Joshua 1:8, 9

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Disciple the Mind Heart Will

This is the fifth of seven posts from the book Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generation.  Podcasts and other links are at the bottom of this boast.

For more about this series of posts go to the Introduction post

These posts will contain a summary of a commitment along with some ways we are trying to implement that commitment at Trinity Baptist Church.  

The fifth commitment is "Disciple the Mind, Heart, and Will"

The first sentence of this fifth chapter is important to remember.  "It's not enough for children just to know what the Bible says and teaches,"  Michael says we need to INSTRUCT the mind, ENGAGE the heart, and INFLUENCE the will.  

Another way to think about it is HEAD, HEART, and HEARTS.  The children hear this in children's church.  The youth hear this in their meetings.  And this is a continuous theme in the current Bible Study for Spiritual Growth Class.  

HEAD:  Allowing the Word to shape my mind
  • What does this passage teach me about God's nature?
  • What does this passage teach me about myself in relation to God?
  • What does this passage teach me about doctrine or the Christian life?

HEART:  Allowing the Word to shape my affections
  • What does this passage tell me to feel?
  • What does this passage tell me to love?
  • What does this passage tell me to hate?
HANDS:  Allowing the Word to shape my actions
  • Do I have any sin that needs to be confessed?
  • Is there an explicit command that needs to be obeyed?
  • Is there an example that I need to follow?
  • How can I advance God's kingdom based on this passage?

From Visual Theology by Tim Challies

Bible teaching and Bible study, not just for children but for all of us, needs to increase our knowledge, stir our hearts, and change our attitudes and actions.  


Helps us grow in our understanding of you and your word.
Helps us grow in our passion for you.
Helps us grow more godly in the choices we make and the things we do.


Other resources:

Friday, October 7, 2022

October 9

Missionary Family Member - N 

Toddler  SS
Jesus received praise - Jesus deserves our praise.
The passage is John 9:8-38.  
The Bible memory verse is Ps 147:5

PreK/ K SS
God provided food - God provides for our needs
The passage is Genesis 1:29-31;2:16, 17.  
The memory verse is Genesis 1:29

1st  SS
God rescued a family.  God offers to rescue us from our sin.
The passage is Gen 6:1 -9:17.  
The memory verse is Gen 6:8

2nd-3rd SS
God’s mercy for the nations - God can carry out his plans no matter what
The passage is Genesis 10 and 11. 
The memory verse is Psalm 145:9.

4th–5th SS
God Created Marriage - God created marriage to be between one man & one woman
The passage is Genesis 2:18-25.  
The memory verse is Gen 2:24

1st–5th  CC
Rahab’s Faith - God is worthy of our faith
The passage is Joshua 2.  
The memory verse is Joshua 1:8,9