Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 30 Kids in Church

Other class details are below the Kids in Church information.

This week is a KIDZ in Church Sunday.  There will be no children's church for 1st through 5th graders.

For General KIDZ in Church help, click HERE

This week's message focuses on being a living sacrifice as it relates to our use of money.

Blanks are IN RED.
Additional Talking Points are IN ITALICS.

The God wants us to be living sacrifices with our MONEY (Why do you think how we spend our money is important? What are some ways you/we spend our money that shows our priorities?)

We obey the law because we LOVE God, not because we FEAR jail time.  (Love is a greater motivator.  Read portions of Psalm 119 and talk about what the Psalmist writes about the word of God.  

Government has the right to levy taxes & we have the responsibility to PAY them. 

God did not save us for the purpose of civil re VOLU tion, but rather heart re FORMA tion.

If you owe taxes, pay TAXES ;  if revenue, then REVENUE;

if respect, then RESPECT; if honor, then HONOR.

I want to give you some biblical precept to take with you. 

    1. Do not borrow more than you can pay BACK  (Read Psalm 37:21)
    2. Do not go into debt to UPGRADE your lifestyle. 
    3. Pay your bills on TIME.
    4. Pay all credit card debt at the end of every month.
    5. Live within or BELOW your means.
    6. Put money into savings/Investments.
    7. BUDGET your money, have a spending plan.
    8. Only borrow money on appreciating - increasing value - items, (Homes, investments, college depending on your degree) not depreciation – decreasing value - items (toys, vacations, spas, food) 
    9. Do this so you can be a generous GIVER.

We are spiritual debtors of LOVE to all people,  not just the ones we LIKE  (Read Matthew 5:44.  Remember, they will know we are Christians by our love) 

REMEMBER:  We did not EARN God’s love. 

Consider how you can talk to your kids about how to use money for God's glory.

HERE are the KIDZ sermon notes.  

Here are some additional resources to parents help their kids with money.

Other Kids Classes Information.


  • Dorcas Helped People
  • God uses people to help us serve
  • Acts 9:36-42
  • Gal 5:13

PreK/ K

  • The Church’s Problem
  • Christ uses us to meet church needs
  • Acts 6:1-7
  • Gal 5:13

2nd-3rd SS

  • Paul Saw the Light
  • God will save anyone who trusts in Jesus for salvation
  • Acts 9:1-31

4th–5th SS

  • The Church’s Purpose
  • Christ commands believers to witness and make disciples
  • Matt 28:16-20; Rom 10:9-17

Saturday, June 22, 2024

June 23, 2024

This week's supported workers is Faith In Deeds



Healed Man Praised God
God loves to hear us praise Him
Acts 3:1-11
Psalm 111:1

PreK/ K

The Church’s Prayer
Christ answers our church’s prayers
Acts 4:1-31; 5:12, 17-42
Acts 4:31

2nd-3rd SS

The Church Endured Persecution
God’s servants sometimes experience rejection and persecution
Acts 5:17-8:4

4th–5th SS

The Church’s Ordinance
Christ instituted baptism and communion as ways to remember Him
Matt 26:26-28; 1 Cor 11:23-32

1st–5th  CC

The Tribulation
God will judge unbelievers for their sins during the tribulation
Dan 9:27; Matt 24:21; 2 Th 2:3-8; Rev 6-16 

The 1st—5th Children's Church lesson is challenging to teach, especially after a great week of VBS.  
THE TRIBULATION was taught in a way this morning that was meant to show
God's holiness and justice
God's mercy to His people
God's faithfulness to His promises
Our responsibility to share the Gospel with others.

While there are scary elements of the Tribulation, there is a peace and hope in Christ that is seen in the topic.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jungle Journey Thursday

A summary of the whole week will be posted Sunday night.

Our Final Night's C was Consummation.
At the end of the Bible, in Revelation, we see the return of Christ, the end of sin and the curse.
This week, we learned about Jesus humbly coming to earth as a baby in a manger and humbly dying on the cross and then rising from the dead.
In Revelation, we see that one day Jesus will return gloriously!

Our memory verse, Revelation 21:4, summarizes this truth.

Our final total for Faith In Deeds offering was over $800.  Thank you so much for giving to this home for orphaned and abandoned children.

Despite having lower numbers than in previous years, we are excited about the opportunity to minister to the children and families brought to VBS this year.



Thank you to everyone who served in so many different ways.  It was great to see church members serving children, praying, and singing praises to God.    

For pictures and more, go to

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Jungle Journey Wednesday


The answer to our sin problem is JESUS!  

In our Opening Session, we used a verse from Faith In Deeds' VBS a couple of weeks ago - Ephesians 2:8,9

We wanted to show the kids at the very beginning of the night - before anything else - that salvation is a gift from God through Jesus Christ. 

We didn't sing this Seeds Family Worship song, but it is a great Ephesians 2:8 reminder. 

Our memory verse tonight is John 1:12

For the 2nd -6th graders

For the Toddlers through 1st graders

Tonight, our offering for Faith in Deeds went OVER $500!!

Praise the Lord, and thank you, boys and girls, for helping orphaned and abandoned kids in India.

Think about how they could earn money to bring in for the offering. 

For pictures from VBS, go to our Facebook page -

Prayer Requests and Ideas for tomorrow will be shared later.

The C for our final night is Consummation.

Once again, some verses to help you focus on the Bible, Thursday's theme of Consummation.

Acts 2:1-6
Ephesians 2:19-22
1 Timothy 3:14-15
Revelation 21:1-4
Revelation 21:22-27

Things to pray for

  • Thanks 
    • for God's provision in creation, and especially in Christ.
    • for the families that God brought to VBS.
  • Ask
    • for teachers to faithfully teach God's Word
    • for group leaders to make the most of conversation opportunities with the kids.
    • for kids to have open ears and hearts, especially during the Bible story and verse times.
    • for opportunities to follow up with families who don't have a home church.
    • that every serving this last night of VBS would glorify God and help others do the same.

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE


Jungle Journey Tuesday

 We had a great second night with a bad theme.

Man is sinful.  (Corruption - Adam and Eve sin; Catastrophe - The Judgment of the Flood; Confusion - The Tower of Babel)

The memory we learned tonight is Psalm 14:3.

For the 2nd -6th graders

For the Toddlers through 1st graders

These are pictures from the 4th - 6th grade lesson.

However, in our closing session, we wanted to leave them with the hope we can have in Christ because of what He did for us on the cross.

We sang two songs, Jungle Jam, from the year's VBS set of songs, and Nothing But the Blood by CityAlight.

Pray for Wednesday night as we share Christ and the Cross!!

Regarding our offering for Faith In Deeds, the girls won, but even more importantly, we raised more than $200 for Faith In Deeds, and we still have two nights left.  We encouraged the kids to think about how they could earn money to bring in for the offering.  

Some prayer requests and praise...

It has been a blessing to know that a group of men and women prays in the church building throughout the week. If you want to join the prayer time, please ask at the registration desk or follow the signs.

Parents, know that at some point during this week your child will be prayed for by name.
Volunteers, know that you are being prayed for.

Here are some verses to help you focus on the Bible, tonight's theme of Christ and the Cross, and prayer.

Gen 3:15:
Isaiah 53:5-6
Matthew 28:8-10
Mark 10:30-32
Luke 8:22-25
John 21:24-25
Hebrews 4:14-16

Thanksgiving to God

For His Provision
We are thankful that the story doesn't stop with we have a big problem - SIN. 
We are thankful that the story doesn't stop with we have to figure out to fix our problem. 
We are thankful that God's Word shows us God's provision of God's Son for Our Sin Problem. 

For His Character

For the families that are involved with VBS

Pray for children you know at VBS, at Trinity or elsewhere.
Pray that they would hear the truth shared.
Pray that their hearts and lives will be changed by God's grace.
Pray that the lessons learned would reach beyond the 6:15 to 8:15 time at 2050 Aberdeen. 
Pray that families would be impacted with the BIblical truth shared.

Pray for the teachers and other volunteers.

  • Tonight's teachers are Kaelynn Clark and Sierra Anthony.
  • Pray for these station leaders and the workers in each area:  Janna Figg (crafts), Geoffrey Ford (games), Memory Verse (Deb Knoll), Snacks (Barbara Ford and Cindy Osborne)
  • Pray that we will not merely transfer what we have learned to others but out of an overwhelming desire to share what we have taken to heart about God.

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE

Monday, June 17, 2024

Jungle Journey 2024

Our Theme Verse for the Entire Week is 1 Timothy 1:17

Genesis 1:1 is our Memory Verse for the night.
If the kids memorize this verse for they will be helping 
us raise money for Faith In Deeds
in India (

Our first night was filled with 
God's Word, specifically a look at the creation account
Lots of fun, pudding snacks, birdhouses, 
and A LOT OF RAIN in a very little bit of time.  

We are thankful for a very flexible, creative Games team.

Each night we have a group of people downstairs, praying for
 your children and the volunteers.

You can join this group during the VBS time to pray with others
Ask at the registration table

You can pray these verses and things on your own

Tuesday's Cs are Corruption, Catastrophe, and Confusion
The BIG IDEA is "mankind is sinful and in need of a savior.
Yesterday (Monday) was Great News about our good and perfect creator.
Tonight (Tuesday) is the Really Bad News about our Sin Problem.

Here are some verses to get your thoughts focused on the Bible and Prayer.

Genesis 3:8
Genesis 6:5-6
Genesis 11:7-9
Exodus 32:1-2
Judge 21:25
Psalm 53:1-3
Romans 3:10-11; 23
1 John 3:4

Here are some things you can be praying for

Thanksgiving to God for His Provision and His Character
The many different values involved with VBS.

Some general things to pray for the children

Retention, Provision, Heart Change, Safety,
For God’s provision in their lives, For their families

Some general things to pray for the teachers:

Perseverance, Wisdom, Insight, Training

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE

Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 16, 2024

This Week's supported worker is Faith In Deed.  They are also our VBS ministry focus.


Peter Healed in Jesus’ Name
God has amazing power
Acts 3:1-11
Psalm 111:1

PreK/ K

The Church’s Preaching
Christ is the focus of preaching
Acts 3:1-19
Acts 5:42

2nd-3rd SS

The Church Feared and Flourished
God wants us to serve Him out of respect for Him
Acts 4:32-5:16

4th–5th SS

The Church’s Gifts

Christ gives believers spiritual gifts for serving in the church
Rom 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12:4-7, 11; Eph 4:11,12

1st–5th  CC
Judgment Seat of Christ,
Marriage of the Lamb
Christ will reward believers for their good works
2 Cor 5:9-15; Eph 5:22-27; Rev 19:7-10

Friday, June 7, 2024

May 9. 2024

This Week's Ministry Focus is 


  • Peter Preached about Jesus
  • God wants children to talk about Him
  • Acts 2:14-40; 5:40-42
  • Heb 9:14

PreK/ K

  • The Church’s People
  • Christ adds people to our church
  • Acts 2:40-47
  • Acts 2:44

2nd-3rd SS

  • The Church Prayed for Boldness
  • The Holy Spirit gives is boldness to serve Him courageously
  • Acts 3:1-4:31

4th–5th SS

  • The Church’s Head and Body
  • Christ is in charge of the church and causes it to grow
  • Matt 16:13-18; Eph 5:23-25; Col 1:18

1st–5th  CC

  • Anticipating the Rapture
  • Christ’s coming return gives believers hope of eternal life
  • 1 Thess 4:13-18
  • 2 Cor 5:9,10