Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Teach the Breadth and Depth of the Bible

This is the third of seven posts from the book Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generation.  Podcasts and other links are at the bottom of this boast.

For more about this series of posts go to the Introduction post

These posts will contain a summary of the commitment along with some ways we are trying to implement that commitment at Trinity Baptist Church.  

The third commitment is "Teach the Breadth and Depth of the Whole Counsel of God"


"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). If this is true, and it is, we should use all of scripture with our children.  In Zealous, David Micheal writes "Rather than boring them with shallow presentations of the same stories repeatedly, shouldn't we broaden the foundation of their Biblical knowledge?"

This third commitment "to teach the breadth and depth of the whole counsel of God, stresses that limiting the scripture we teach our children limits their view of God" (p. 46).  At Trinity Baptist Church, we use different curriculum and Bible studies but we know that each of these must have the Bible and its teaching at its heart.  Our Bible teaching must have a breadth, which means a wide range of studies that includes an overview of the Bible and broad topics, and a depth, which includes intense, deep studies of God's love, power, holiness, and other attributes.  Both of these are done by looking at all of scripture, not just the same familiar stories.  

Zealous gives five helpful categories to think about and use in thinking about what we teach in the Sunday School classes and in the children's ministry.  

1.  Bible Survey and Book studies

We want to tell the story of the Bible and remember that God is the hero of the Bible.  He is the one doing mighty works through people.  These studies focus more on the breadth of scripture.

2.  Biblical Theology

As we tell the story of the Bible, children need to see how God's "redemptive purpose, which to their complete fulfillment in the Person and work of Jesus Christ" are revealed.  Adults and children need to see the powerful God-glorifying, Christ-centered connections in God's word.

3.  Systematic Theology

This topical teaching of doctrines is done in some of the adult classes and sporadically in the children's Sunday school classes.  We are looking for ways to improve this teaching at the children's level.

4.  Gospel Proclamation

A clear presentation of the Gospel needs to be part of our teaching plan so that people we will know and better understand the Person and work of Jesus Christ specifically as it relates to our salvation.  This presentation is for the purpose of salvation and presentation of the Gospel. to others.  Vacation Bible School is a specific environment in which this is emphasized.

5.  Moral and Ethical Instruction

Don't get this teaching wrong.  We don't want to provide moralistic teaching.  This teaching provides instruction that is "necessary for understanding God's character and standards and our needs for the gospel, along with guiding believers in righteous and godly conduct." (p. 49)  


Other Resources:

Friday, May 27, 2022

May 29

Don't forget to register for VBS (June 13 - 16) - tbcgrkidz.myanswers.com/

Supported Workers for this week are the Mayo's

This includes the weekly information:  Age group / Title / Theme / Passage / Memory Verse

Sharing God’s Word in His House- 
God wants us to hear His word in church
2 Kings 22:8 – 23:3
Josh 3:9 

God protected His people  - 
God’s plan cannot be stopped by anyone
Esther 7 - 10
Prov 21:1 

1st Grade Sunday School
Jerusalem Makeover 
God offers us forgiveness when we sin
Neh. 1–4; 6:15, 16
1 John 1:9a

2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School
Jesus commissioned His followers –
Jesus commanded us to tell others about life in Christ.
Matt 28:16-20; Lk 24:45-53
Matt. 28:18, 19

4th & 5th Grade Sunday School
Talent Wise
God blessed us with talents for glorify His name
1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:23, 24; James 1:17; 1 Pt 5:6
Colossians 3:23, 24

Children’s Church (1st – 5th) 
Crossing the Read Sea 
Ex. 12:17- 15:21
Ex 3:13, 14

Fighter Verses

For posts about each week's Fighter Verse click HERE

Trinity Baptist Church's combined Adult Sunday School class is going to be a little different than previous summer studies.  It is my prayer that the phrase "a little different" doesn't make you want to run away scared.  

During the last couple of summers, we studied different themes like the Holiness of God.
This summer we are going to do a Scripture Memory program.  

Now I want to explain why we are doing a scripture memory this summer.  Some of the reasons are Biblical and some are practical.

  1. It is important to hide God's word in your heart (Psalm 119:11).  The study begins with memorizing a couple of very familiar verses and the second part focuses on memorizing an entire Psalm, Psalm 91. 
  2. As a church family, we need to be encouraging one another with Biblical truth (Ephesians 5:19) and this study will provide common scriptures for Trinity to encourage one another with.
  3. With summer travel, a study like this provides the opportunity for you and your family to keep up with the Sunday School study even when you are away.  Two different things you can do each week whether you are in class or not are memorize the verse and read the Fighter Verse devotional for that week (www.fighterverses.com).  You can even sign up to receive each week's devotional through email.
  4. Individual families can make time to talk about the verses.  This scripture memory study is not only for the adults.  The 2-year-old through 5th-grade class will be doing the same study.  Also, the teens can easily memorize the verses and do the devotional.  The study will provide resources, like four weeks of a parents/kids class time in July, to help families talk about the verses.

The Fighter Verses Program is designed to prepare you for the fight of faith, and equip you to stand against unbelief and sin.  We want to encourage one another by memorizing God's Word with the goal of unity, maturity, and perseverance in the faith.

It is my prayer that this class will help...
individuals grow as they hide God's word in their hearts.
families grow together as they learn, talk about, and pray the Word of God together.
Trinity Baptist Church encourage one another with common verses.

On top of the official Fighter Verse devotionals, there will be a Trinity specific resource post on this blog.  Click on Fighter Verses in the Label section or click HERE

Pastor Dave

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 22

Supported Workers for this are the Mayo's

This includes the weekly information:  Age group / Title / Theme / Passage / Memory Verse

Singing Praises in God’s House  - 
God wants us to sing praises
2 Chron. 5:11-14
Ps 47:6 

God honored his people  - 
God honors those who honor Him.
Esther 5; 6
Prov 21:21 

1st Grade Sunday School
God saved a Queen  - 
God controls kings and history
Prov 21:1 

2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School
Jesus conquered death  - 
Jesus conquered sin and death by rising from the dead
Various Scriptures
1 Cor. 15:14

 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School
Time Wise
God commands us to redeem our time because the world needs Him.
Prov. 6:6-11; Eph. 5:14-16
Eph. 5:15, 16 

Children’s Church (1st – 5th)
The First Passover
Exodus 11:1 – 13:16
Ex 3:13, 14

Friday, May 13, 2022

May 15

Here are the lessons from Sunday School and Children's Church.  There are notes and questions for the 1st -5th graders and the sermon at the end of this post. 

Supported Workers for this week are the Pool's

This includes the weekly information:  Age group / Title / Theme / Passage / Memory Verse

Building God’s House
God wants us to come together to worship Him
1 Kings 6:1-9; 2 Chron. 3:1-5:1
Ps 122:1

God encouraged his people  - 
God gives us the courage to stand for Him.
Esther 3; 4
Ps 46:1 

1st Grade Sunday School
Lionlike – Courage
God’s glory is worth dying for
Dan. 6
Ps 9:10 

2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School
Jesus surrendered to God’s Will –
Jesus Willingly died for the sins of the world
Luke 22:39 – 23:56
1 Peter 3:18 

4th & 5th Grade Sunday School
Money Wise
God expects us to manage His money to further His mission
Acts 2:40-47; 2 Cor. 8:1-9; 9:7 -15
2 Cor 8:9

Children’s Church (1st – 5th)
God’s Hard Lessons for Pharaoh
Exodus 4:27 – 10:29
Ex 3:13, 14

This morning's children's church (1st - 5th) and sermon were from the same passage
Here is the 
Service Video 
and the Sermon Audio

Below are some bullet point notes from my sermon notes to help families talk about the passage.  At the end of the notes are some questions for families to use as they talk with their children.

  • A basic description of the plagues
    • Not all 10 of the plagues are actual diseases.  The Story of God Commentary describes the plagues this way
      • God is “striking” or punishing the Egyptians and Pharaoh in a variety of ways.  The most common way the Bible refers to these events is “signs” and “wonders.” 
      • The first nine plagues, all involve creation in one way or another – most of them could be described as “natural disasters, which does not mean they were MERELY “natural” but rather God clearly planned his judgment on the Egyptians and Pharaoh through the realm of nature.
      • The plagues are hypernatural – nature in excess – at various levels – timing, scope, and intensity.  A way to think about it in talking with your children is Creation going beserk UNDER GOD'S CONTROL.
      • All 10 plagues are A SINGLE, SIGNAL ACT.  All 10 signs point beyond each plague to God’s sovereignty and power.
  • But before this SINGLE, SIGNAL ACT, let’s get some context through a history lesson leading up to the plague - Genesis
    • GOD CREATED the world, including man and woman.
    • GOD JUDGED man and woman because of their sin.
    • The sin problem continues to grow so GOD JUDGES the world with a flood.
    • The sin problem continues to grow so GOD JUDGES AND SCATTERS the people from Babel.
    • GOD CHOOSES to work through the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 
    • What Joseph’s brothers and others intended for harm, GOD INTENDED for good – the salvation of many people.  Remember our recent memory verse Genesis 50:20  “As for you, you meant evil against me but God meant it for good, TO BRING IT ABOUT THAT MANY PEOPLE SHOULD BE KEPT AS THEY ARE TODAY.”
    • GOD GREW his people while they were in Egypt. 
    • GOD PROVIDED a deliverer in Moses. 
  • GOD is working things out according to his plan for his glory and our good. And the BEST GOOD in your life is that you would trust in Jesus Christ to save you and then learn to trust in God more and more
  • The plagues show a battle going on between Pharaoh's will and ego and God's will and sovereignty.
    • In a way this battle, not in a plague-like fashion is still going on today and it has serious consequences.
    • James 4:1 asks the question “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?”  Do you remember the answer – YOUR DESIRES.  Later in that same chapter, James writes “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Exodus 7:3-5 and 9:13-16 show three similar purposes of the 10 Plagues

  1. Free Israelites – 7:3; 9:13
  2. Egypt would know God. 7:5; 9:14
  3. God’s name will be proclaimed in all the earth. 9:16

Two Trends/Patterns

Pharaoh's magicians inability to repeat the plagues shows “There is no one like you among the gods, O Lord.”  Psalm 86:8

  •  Plagues 1 and 2  are repeated by Pharoah’s magicians but not Plague 3, which is attributed to “the finger of God.”  By the time it gets to Plague 6 they cannot even show up.  Chapter 9, verse 11 says “And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils came upon the magicians and all the Egyptians.”  Amid sufferings and temptations, God’s people need to remember that Christ will be victorious!

Pharaoh’s Hard Heart

 The Bible specifically says or suggests that Pharoah hardens his heart in Plagues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.  God hardens Pharoah’s heart in Plagues 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.  In Visual Theology, Tim Challies show this dual cause of Pharaoh’s hard heart with the inside circles and he writes, "Pharoah progressively hardens his own heart.  He fills himself with self-confidence and determination that he is doing right and acting like the god he believes himself to be.  God progressively allows Pharaoh’s heart to become heavier and more guilty compared to the standard of what is right." 

Whether you read about the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart in Exodus or Romans 9, it is hard to understand.  But here is the bottom line:  God is sovereign and man is responsible.   This is a mystery we cannot completely understand but we must never mix these up.  

Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart is a very specific, very tragic example of the pride of the human heart.  I can sometimes see a hardening of my heart and a discussion question from the book More Than a Story can lead to self-evaluation.

Here is the question:  What does it mean to harden your heart?

  • To resist the things of God
  • To be slow to confess sin
  • To take His commands lightly
  • To neglect time in His Word 

Back to the Purpose

This making God's name known is done many different ways but Exodus 10 and 12, refer specifically to doing this through the family.  This is NOT the children’s pastor trying to force a point into a message.

Exodus 10:1 – 2

Then the Lord said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them, that you may know that I am the Lord.”

God used the plagues and the hardening of Pharaoh's heart so that the Israelite children and your grandchildren would know the seriousness of sin and the awesomeness of God.

Then in Exodus 12, before the 10th and most devastating plague, the death of the firstborn,  God established a meal to be done first to protect the Israelite families and then to help them remember what God did for them in Egypt.

Exodus 12:24 – 27

You shall observe this rite as a statute for you and for your sons forever.  And when you come to the land that the Lord will give you, as he has promised, you shall keep this service.  And when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ you shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover, for he passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyptians but spared our houses.’”

This meal was to remind them how the blood of lambs put on doorposts kept the Israelites safe.

Do we have a meal that reminds us of how the blood of THE LAMB OF GOD shed on a cross once saved those who have put their hope and trust in the Lord?

We do.  It is communion.

And as we think about what God did for us through Jesus Christ, it should make us want to glorify him and share him with our children and grandchildren.  

NIV Application Commentary states “The point of the plagues for today is not so much in what we do with it, but in having our hearts and minds opened to what God has done and thereby understand him better.  The plagues are about God. PERIOD.” 


  1. What did the plagues show the people in Egypt and us today? – God’s sovereignty and power over this world. 
  2. What does “God is sovereign” mean? -GOD is working things out according to his plan for his glory and our good. 
  3. What are some trends you see in all 10 plagues?  Pharaoh’s magician ability and Pharaoh’s hard heart were two from the sermon but there are others.
  4. What do Exodus 10:1-2 and 12:24-27 say about children?

Friday, May 6, 2022

May 8

Supported Workers for this are the Pool's

This includes the weekly information:  Age group / Title / Theme / Passage / Memory Verse

Samuel obeys God
God wants us to obey God
1 Samuel 3:10 – 20
Jer 42:6 

God directed his people
God sets up and takes down kings and queens.
Esther 2
Rom 13:1 

1st Grade Sunday School
Serious Text Message
God holds people accountable for their actions
Dan. 5
Ps. 9:8 

2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School
Jesus Illustrated his death
Jesus gave us a way to remember His death
Luke 22:7-23
Luke 22:19 

4th & 5th Grade Sunday School
Body Wise
God wants us to respect our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit
Various Scriptures
1 Cor. 6:19, 20 

Children’s Church (1st – 5th)
God prepares his leader
Exodus 1:1 – 4:17
Ex 3:13, 14