Friday, February 24, 2023

Feb 26, 2023

This Week's Missionary is Rochelle Visser

David & Jonathan are friends
God gives us friends to love
1 Sam 18:1-5
1 Jn 4:11

PreK/ K
God completed His plan for Joseph
God wants to forgive others as He forgave us.
Gen 42:3-9; 45; 47;11, 12; 50:17-21
Eph 4:32

1st  SS
God provided instructions
God teaches us to worship Him and respect others
Ex 20:1 – 21; 32
Ps 119:105

2nd-3rd SS
God is a gracious giver
God delights in giving gracious blessings
Num 13:1 – 14:3
Eph 2:8, 9

4th–5th SS
Joseph’s Decision
God’s plan for believers is always good
Gen 42- 50
Rom 8:28

1st–5th  CC
Saul’s unlawful sacrifice
God is pleased when we obey Him from our hearts
1 Samuel 12:1 – 14:23
1 Sam 12:24

Friday, February 10, 2023

Feb 12 2023

David sang to the Lord
God helps us be happy leaders
1 Sam 16:14-19

Ps. 54:4
PreK/ K
God stayed with Joseph
God is pleased when we serve Him diligently
Genesis 37:36; 39; 40
Col 3:23

1st  SS
God provided deliverance
God teaches us to trust Him as He leads
Ex. 13:17-15:2; Ps 78:52,53
John 3:16

2nd-3rd SS
God is glorious
God’s justice, grace, & mercy are wonderfully amazing
Ex 24; 32:1 – 34:8
Ps 86:5

4th–5th SS
Joseph Disappointment
God’s plan sometimes includes disappointments
Gen 40
Ps 105:19

1st–5th  CC
Samuel leads Israel Back to God
God will bless our devotion and respect for Him
1 Samuel 4 – 7
1 Sam 8:6,7 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Serving families at TBC

 Be a Conduit for the Power of the Gospel 

(service opportunities are listed at the end of this post)

This short 5-minute video is an encouragement for children's ministry workers from Mark Vroegop at College Park Church.

I am very excited to serve as the pastor responsible for the oversight of Trinity's children's ministry.
That sentence is worded specifically because I do not believe only I am responsible for the pastoring of Trinity's children.  As a team, Brett, Jory, Jason, and I are responsible for discipling those God brings to Trinity.  One of my specific responsibilities is to provide oversight and intentionality to the children's ministry.

A BIG part of this is preparing and equipping teachers and parents to teach and disciple children.

We are so excited to have more and more children
come to hear the truth of the Bible.

With the growing number of Bible teaching, disciple-making opportunities, 
there are growing needs to serve the families God brings to Trinity.

We do not want to find warm bodies to fill spots on a teaching roster.
We want growing, not perfect, followers of Christ who will point children to Jesus Christ.

Here are some opportunities, as of 4/14/23

 - VBS workers
- Regularly Scheduled Nursery workers
- Substitute Nursery workers
- 2nd Sunday - Children's Church teacher (1st - 5th graders)*
-3rd Sunday - Children's Church helper (4 and 5-year-olds)
- 4th Sunday - Children's Church teacher (1st - 5th graders)*
- 5th Sunday - Children's Church workers
- Any Sunday - Children's Church helper/assistant (1st - 5th graders)

*with the teacher positions, there would be an observation and training time.

If you are able to help out in one of these areas,
are interested in finding out more about these opportunities, or
want to talk about other opportunities, 
use the contact form on this page or contact Pastor Dave or Randy Smith.

Feb 5 2023

David defeated the giant
God helps us obey Him
1 Sam 17:4-10, 31-49
Ps. 54:4

PreK/ K
God went with Joseph
God is good even when we have had a bad day
Gen 37:12 – 36
Nahum 1:7

1st  SS
God provided a sacrifice
Jesus, the lamb of God, paid the penalty for our sin
Ex. 11; 12
John 3:16

2nd-3rd SS
God is instructor
God tells us in His word how to live for Him
Ex 20
Gal 3:11

4th–5th SS
Joseph’s Difficulty
God’s plan sometimes includes trouble
Gen 39
Ps 56:3, 4

1st–5th  CC
Samuel serves God
God answers our prayers
1 Sam 1 – 3
1 Sam 8:6, 7

Today in Children's Church, the lesson and craft reminded the kids that we need to pray which glorifies God by showing a dependence upon God.

The prayer wheel craft is meant to be a prayer help for the kids and their families.

Take time to pray with your children.