NEXT WEEK, the 1st - 5th graders will be in church for the Christmas Cantata. There will be NO Children's Church for this age group Other age groups are welcome to join us in the auditorium.
This week's supported work is Treasuring Christ Church
Glorified God
God used
angels to announce Jesus’ birth.
Luke 2:6-14
Luke 2:14
Jesus is the
Jesus became
a baby boy to save the world.
Matt. 1:18 -
Matt. 1:21
Jesus’ Birth
Was Predicted
Jesus’ birth
and death were always a part of God’s plan.
NEXT WEEK, the 1st - 5th graders will be in church for the Christmas Cantata. There will be NO Children's Church for this age group Other age groups are welcome to join us in the auditorium.
This week's supported work is Treasuring Christ Church
Baby Jesus
Was Born
God sent
Jesus because He loves us.
Luke 2:1-7
1 John 4:10
Jesus is
Jesus is the
sinless Son of God
Luke 1:26-38
Matt. 1:21
John’s Birth
Was Predicted
God has the
power to give life.
Luke 1:5-25
God is the
Helper from on High
God is both
high above us and near to help us.
Exod. 2:23 -
Exodus 3:14
Authoritative God
authority dominates all powers, including Satan’s
Job 1:6-21;
Job 2:1-10; Heb. 4:12, 13
1:15, 17
1st–5th CC
There’s No
Match for God
God is
stronger than Satan, God’s strongest enemy.
Here is a Bible lesson you can do at home It is based on the Everyday Gospel Christmas devotional we are doing at Trinity Baptist Church. This would be a good reminder for everyone, not just children.
The devotional reading is Ruth 4:13-22.
Here is a video of Ruth's story; actually, it is Jesus' story from The Biggest Story Children's Storybook Bible.
Here is the opening quote of the devotional:
Often, when God seems absent in moments of hardship, he is actually exercising his sovereignty to deliver good gifts of grace to his children.
Here is the opening quote reworded for children:
Sometimes, it doesn't seem God is there when we go through hard times.
But he works in ways that only the all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, perfect God can work.
He is helping us to know Him, hope in Him, and treasure Him more and more.
Here are some things you can think and talk about individually or as a family (you may want to read the devotional below first):
What are the hard things we can see in the narrative of Ruth?
What good things did God do in the narrative?
What was the best thing that came out of this story? (Go to Matthew 1 in your Bible and have the children find these names - Ruth, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, David)
What are some hard things you and your family have faced?
How were you able to see God work through those things?