Friday, November 4, 2022

November 6

This week's prayer focus is our Retirees

Age-specific Sunday School and Children's Church info follows the Kids in Church info.  This includes some more info about the lesson the 1st - 5th graders would have had in class.

For General Info about Kids in Church Sundays, go to

Click for pdf of notes

Kid's Sermon Notes will be at the communication center by the upstairs elevator door.

To help the 1st - 5th graders listen to Sunday's sermon on Acts 20:25-38 I want to provide a couple of specific helps.
  1. Before the sermon, read through Acts 20:25 - 38 with your child before the sermon.
  2. During the sermon, make sure your child has the Bible opened up to the passage.
  3. During the sermon, challenge to child to be an active listener.  Pick up a note sheet for him or her.  
    • Note sheets will be at the Community Center/bulletin board - upstairs by the elevator.
    • Three ways to use the sheet
      • the Nose, Tongue, Eyes, and Heart outline
      • Alphabet Listening.  On back listen for keywords that begin with each letter of the alphabet
      • Drawing What Your Hear.  Draw a picture of words or ideas you hear in the sermon or a song
  4. After the sermon, talk about the sermon.  A post with some talking points for families will be made available at 12:15 pm.
Specific helpful links,


Toddler  SS
Jesus shared love for children -
Jesus loves meeting children’s needs.
Matthew 18:1-14
Mark 10:14

PreK/ K SS
God’s grace for the nations -
God wants us to obey his commands
Gen 11:1 – 26
Ps 145:9

1st  SS
God revealed his presence
God is with us and working out his plan
Gen 28:1 – 5, 10 – 22
Heb 13:5b

2nd-3rd SS
God taught Jacob to trust
God wants us to trust his plans
Gen 28:1-5; 10-22; 29:1-30:24; 32; 33; 35
Prov 3:5, 6

4th–5th SS
Solution for Sin
God provided His grace as the solution to sin.
Gen. 3:16–4:26
Rom 5:18

1st–5th  CC

Gibeonites use Joshua 9.
Last week was Halloween, a day when children dress up to walk around and get treats from neighbors.
Gibeonites, who lived in the Promised Land, tricked (acted craftily) the Israelites by dressing in worn out clothes and telling them they came from a land far away.
Rather than turn to God like Rahab had done, these idol-worshiping nations decided to ban together to trick Israel.  They pretended to be something they were not in order to deceive the Israelites.

Joshua 9:14b is such an important verse to remember with an action we must not repeat.
The Israelites "did not ask counsel from the Lord."
God wants us to seek his will for important decisions

The reason we must remember to do this is found in this week's memory verse.

Josh 23:14b

"you know in all your hearts and 
in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the Lord your God spoke concerning you has failed; they all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed"

God is faithful and never fails, which is one of the reasons we must always seek him.

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