VBS STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 19. IF you haven't signed up, go to tbcgrkidz.myanswers.com/keepers-of-the-kingdom/
THEOLOGY MATTERS - More info coming later.
On this Father's Day and every day, talk about who God is and how we should live because of this.
God, the Father's Day cards were given to the parents today after Sunday School. It was my (Pastor Dave's) pathetic attempt at showing how awesome God is. Some attributes of God's attributes using EIEIO's. Below is the word and a brief description.
- Eternal - no beginning and no end.
- Immutable - doesn't change. Think mutations.
- Exists - His existence doesn't depend on anyone or anything. From Sunday School, this is aseity
- Impeccable - without sin
- Omnipotent - all-powerful
- Omnipresent - all-present
- Omniscient - all knowing
- Omnibenevolent. - perfect, unlimited goodness. You can connect this with the benevolent fund at Trinity.
For an in-depth Bible study on Theology Proper, check out Knowing the Living God by Paul Washer. Forty-seven different chapters. Chapter 2, "Growing in the Knowledge of God," begins with carefully considering what Psalm 105:4-5 says. Paul Washer writes, "We are not to be casual or apathetic in our pursuit of the person and the will of God, but determined and active - even ambitious." How are you being determined, active, and even ambitious in teaching your children about God?
Here are some formal and informal ways to talk about God.
Here are some formal, planned ways to talk with your children about God.
Here is an article about a grandparent using an informal time (stopping at a red) to talk about deeper truths with their child - Knowing and Applying God's Word at slow traffic lights.
- After church or during the week, talk to your child about what they learned this week at church. Each class's basic lesson points are posted here at tbcgrkidz.org
- Do a Bible reading or memory plan like The Fighter Verses or a storybook Bible.
Pastor Jason and Pastor Dave recently talked about these formal and informal Bible times on a Trinity Life podcast -Parenting and Family Devotions
- God Made Plants
- God created beautiful plants.
- Genesis 1:11-13
- Gen 2:4
PreK/ K
- Israel Met Its Commander
- God is always with us.
- Josh 5:13 – 6:5
- Josh 1:9
- Deborah Shared Her Faith
- God uses faithful people to encourage our faith in Him.
- Judges 4, 5
- Psalm 20:7
- Serve God Honestly
- God expects us to serve Him honestly because He is all-knowing.
- Josh 7; 8
1st–5th CC
- Elisha’s Early Ministry
- God takes care of us.
- 2 Kings 2-4
- 1 King 18:37-39
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