Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Cause of Joy

In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Jory reminded us of the joy we have in Christmas.

"Christmas can be a hectic time of the year but the problem is not Christmas. [Christmas] is the occasion for rejoicing.  The problem with Christmas is we have lost sight of the cause."

The magi rejoiced greatly (Matthew 2:10).
John leapt with joy (Luke 1:44).
Mary sang for joy (Luke 1:47).
The angel proclaimed with joy (Luke 2:10).

Joy is the right response, not because life is great but rather because our God is great.
The cause and occasion of our joy are God, the Trinitarian God.


This leads to Question 3 of the New City Catechism.

"How many are the persons of the Trinity?"

"There are three persons in the one true and living God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are the same in substance, equal in power and glory."

In the New City Catechism, devotional for this question, Kevin DeYoung shares three important things the doctrine means for us.  "The final and most important [of these three]  is that the doctrine of the Trinity is crucial for the Christian because there is nothing more important in the world than knowing God."

The devotional concludes with this statement:  "In the end, the Trinity matters because God matters."

This triune God, who we can know more and more, yet not understand completely, 

The God of Hope,
provides Peace between sinners and Himself and
is our source of true, eternal Joy. 

PRAYER from New City Catechism

Father, Son, and Spirit, you are beyond our understanding. Thank you for bringing us into your love, a love that existed before the world in your three perfect persons. Amen.

God truly is the source of eternal hope.

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