Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 25, 2024

August 25th is the beginning of the promotion process for kids going into the toddler and PreK/Kinder classes and the last part of the Bible for PreK/K through 5th Grade.  All of these classes are looking at Revelation 21.

This Prayer Focus is Back to School

God Cared for Paul
God always cares for us
Acts 28:1-6
Psalm 56:3

PreK/ K
Jesus Will Live with Believers Forever
Christ is preparing an eternal home for believers
Rev 21:1-22:5
Rev 21:3

2nd-3rd SS
Jesus Will Make All Things New
Jesus will judge sinners and create a new home for believers
Rev 20:7-22:9

4th–5th SS
Christ Makes All Things New
Christ will make a new earth, where believers will live forever
Isa 65; Rev 21, 22

1st–5th  CC
New Heavens and New Earth
Christ will make us a new earth, where we live forever
Rev 21:1-22:5
Rev 21:1,3,4

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