Sunday, August 4, 2024

July 4, 2024

This week's supported worker is Alpha Grand Rapids.  Thank you to everyone who brought diapers in during the month of July.


  • Timothy Learned God’s Word
  • Children can learn God’s Word
  • 2 Tim 1:5; 3:15
  • 2 Tim 3:15

PreK/ K

  • God Protects His Missionaries
  • God shows His power in the lives of His missionaries
  • Acts 27
  • Mark 16:20

2nd-3rd SS

  • Jesus Will Rapture His Church
  • Jesus will reward believers for their service for Him
  • 2 Cor 5:9-11; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 5:1-14

4th–5th SS

  • Christ Returns with His Church
  • Christ will return to defeat Satan and set up His Kingdom
  • Rev 19

1st–5th  CC

  • Christ’s Return
  • Christ will return to earth as the victorious king
  • Rev 19:11-21
  • Rev 21:1,3,4

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