Sunday, October 31, 2021

Lessons for October 31

This week's missionaries are Nick & Dana Harmon.  They serve with CRU, a college campus ministry, at UNC Wilmington.

A couple of other opportunities to know about, pray about and participate in...

  • the Puppet Houses tonight, October 31, at the Trim's house and Lee's house.
  • Church Work Day on Saturday, November 6.  Think about bringing your family out to help.

Before Sunday, you can read through the Bible stories.
After church, you can see the basics of what your child did on Sunday.
You may want to check back after church for information that was added after the lessons were taught.

This week's lessons and memory verses are...

  • Toddler - God gave Israel water
  • Kinder - David’s Fearless Heart - Ephesians 6:10
  • 1  S.S. - Jesus’ lifeguard illustration - Matthew 14:33
  • 2/3  S.S. - God ended Saul's reign - Proverbs 13:15
  • 4/5 S.S. - Why honesty is the best policy 
  • 1 – 5 C.C. - Sin Goes Global - Hebrews 11:7

Friday, October 22, 2021

Lessons for October 24

This week's missionaries are Nick & Dana Harmon.  They serve with CRU, a college campus ministry, at UNC Wilmington.

Before Sunday, you can read through the Bible stories.
After church, you can see the basics of what your child did on Sunday.
You may want to check back after church for information that was added after the lessons were taught.

This week's lessons and memory verses are...

  • Toddler - God gave Israel Bread
  • Kinder - David’s Focused Heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
  • 1  S.S. - Jesus’ lifeguard illustration - Matthew 14:33
  • 2/3  S.S. - David respected God’s anointed - Psalm 57:1
  • 4/5 S.S. - How humility brings honor - Proverbs 16:18
  • 1 – 5 C.C. - Brother Against Brother (Cain & Abel) - Romans 5:19

Friday, October 15, 2021

Lessons for October 17

Each Friday, the lessons that will be taught on Sunday are posted on this website.

This week's missionary is the McMaster family in Brazil.

Before Sunday, you can read through the Bible stories.
After church, you can see the basics of what your child did on Sunday.
You may want to check back after church for information that was added after the lessons were taught.

This week's lessons and memory verses are

  • Toddler - God gave Israel meat
  • Kinder  -   King Saul’s lie - 1 Samuel 15:22
  • 1  S.S. - Jesus solved a big problem - Philippians 4:19
  • 2/3  S.S. - God protected David - Psalm 56:3, 4
  • 4/5 S.S. - Where wisdom begins - Proverbs 1:7
  • 1st – 5th C.C. - God Gives Grace - Romans 5:1

Friday, October 8, 2021

Lessons for October 10

Each Friday morning, the lessons that will be taught on Sunday will be posted on this website.

You can read through the Bible stories before Sunday or after church you can see the basics of what your child did each Sunday.

Also, yesterday's POST about Baptist and Communion contains some helpful resources to talk with your children about the two ordinances of the church.

This week's missionary family is Kelly and Deb McMaster in Brazil.

This week's lessons and memory verses are 

  • Toddler - God led Israel
  • Kinder - King Saul’s Excuse - 1 Samuel 15:22
  • 1  S.S. -Jesus forgave sin -Mark 2:10b
  • 2/3  S.S. -David aimed to defend God’s name - Psalm 118:6
  • 4/5 S.S. - God forgives our sin - Psalm 51:17
  • 1st – 5th C.C. - God Demands Justice - Romans 5:19
As a church, we want to help you disciple your family.
If there is any way we can help you, please contact the church, email Pastor Dave, or use the contact form.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Baptism and Communion

This is a longer post designed to help you talk with your child about Baptism and Communion.

This past Sunday, the sermon from Acts 2:37 - 41 contained the statement "Repent and Be Baptized."

This upcoming Sunday, we are going to be celebrating communion.

Our website states "We believe that the two ordinances of the local church are Baptism (the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and the Lord's Supper (partaking of the bread and the cup to memorialize Christ's death and anticipate his second coming)."

Baptism and Communion are physical, experiential reminders of what God has done in our salvation. 

Baptism provides the believer with the one-time opportunity to proclaim to the church and the world that through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, the believer has been saved from sin, brought into a new life, and radically changed.

Communion provides an ongoing, regular reminder that Jesus' body was broken and blood was shed for the redemption of sin.  This time in the service provides the opportunity for reflection and celebration.

Some thoughts to remember about your child and baptism.

The italicized information below is taken directly from

  • Baptism tells a story of being rescued from sin by Jesus through faith in His death and resurrection.
  • Being baptized does not save you. Placing your faith in Jesus alone saves you. Baptism is a picture of what God has already done in the heart of a believer.
  • When someone is baptized, that person shares a brief testimony so that other believers might hear of God’s grace, rejoice in His saving work and worship Him together.

It might also be helpful to explain to your child what they see when someone is baptized.

  • When the person stands in the water before being baptized, that represents their life before trusting Jesus. They were alive to sin, following and obeying it as their master.
  • When the person is put completely underneath the water, that represents the fact that they died to sin when they became a believer; they turned away from sin to follow Jesus.
  • When the person comes up out of the water and is completely wet, that represents the new life they have because of Jesus. They have been washed clean from sin – not because their bodies are wet but because they have been forgiven by God because of Jesus’ death in their place.

Some thoughts to remember about your child and communion.

Some thoughts to remember

  • In the Bible, there is no age of accountability or prescribed requirement.  The only prerequisite is that the participant is a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Never rush communion.  It's not magical so taking it sooner than later will not keep your kids from sin or earn them extra favor with God.
  • Communion requires proper mental understanding and meaning spiritual reflection to hold significance.
  • No one knows your child better than you and when it comes to a decision like this, trust the Lord's guidance and your discernment as a parent.
  • Be prayerful about the matter.

What to look for:

  • Have they given a convincing profession of faith in Jesus?
  • Are they showing fruit and evidence of conversion through obedience to and love for Jesus?
  • Do they understand and can they articulate the significance of communion?

A conversation about communion should include the following:

What is Communion?

Make sure they understand what communion is and what communion isn’t. I recommend starting with Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper in Luke 22. Talk about what Jesus was teaching when He spoke to His disciples and how we continue to remember Jesus broken body and shed blood. Be sure to explain that what we are doing is symbolic and not literal. We are not literally drinking Jesus’ blood and eating His body. Communion is not magical.

Why Do We Take Communion?

Teach your child that we take communion because Jesus instructed us to and as a way of remembering and celebrating what He did for us. 1 Corinthians 11:26 tells us that as often as we eat of the bread and drink the cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again. 

How Do We Take Communion?

Coach your child through the logistics and the spirit of taking communion. Communion is done differently at every church, so coach them on the proper way to receive and the proper time to partake of the bread and juice. Also, help and encourage them to be in the right mindset. 1 Corinthians 11 gives personal instructions for taking communion and tells a believer to “examine himself” before eating and drinking.

On a personal note, Krista and I have made the decision in our faith to teach our children that the one-time act of baptism comes before the repeated act of communion.  This has provided us with a teaching framework in our home.  You may have a different way to do it in your home.  But make sure that you are teaching that...
Salvation is by grace through faith
Salvation results in a radically changed, obedient life.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Lessons for October 3

Each Friday morning, the lessons that will be taught on Sunday will be posted here at

You can read through the Bible stories before Sunday or you can see the basics of what your child did each Sunday.

This week's Missionary is the Phillips family.

This week's lessons and memory verses are

  • Toddler - God’s Rainbow Promise
  • Kindergarten - King Saul’s Leadership - 1 Samuel 12:23
  • 1  Sunday School - Jesus’ storm illustration - Matthew 8:27
  • 2/3  Sunday School Greedy King Saul disobeyed - 1 Samuel 15:22b, 23a
  • 4/5 Sunday School  - God deserves our trust - Psalm 57:4, 5
  • 1th – 5th C.C. - The First Sin - Romans 5:19

Family Connection Point - If there is a strong connection between the sermon and one of the Children's ministry lessons, it will be noted here so families can talk about it at home.

What is repentance and why do we need to repent?

In today's passage in Acts 2 and the sermon, we were told to "Repent and be baptized."
In today's 1st through 5th children’s church lesson, the kids learned about original sin in Genesis 3.  You can ask them what total depravity means.

Truth 78, a children's ministry website shared a helpful article entitled Helping Children Understand "Repent and Believe."