Friday, December 10, 2021

Advent Day 10 - Jesus is the Way

The Way, the Truth, and the Life was in the manger, causing angels to rejoice, Mary to wonder, shepherds to worship, and us to have hope.

For further study:  John 14:1 - 14

For parents and children:  Ask your children what they think it means to say something like, "This is the way home" or "This is the way to school."  Help them to understand that to say Jesus is "the Way" means that he is the only road to God.  Explain that the Christmas story is important because through the life and death of that baby in the manger we would have access to God, forgiveness from God, and acceptance into God's family.

"The inescapable condition of sin infects every single human being and has scarred every aspect of the cosmos, which cried out for one thing and one thing alone:  divine intervention."

"Hanging on the cross, Jesus demonstrated how God planned to deal with our sin."

"Jesus didn't just communicate God's truth; he was God's truth.

  1. Jesus revealed the Father to us.
  2. Jesus revealed God's redemptive plan to us.
  3. Jesus preached the truth about our condition."

For the month of December, there will be daily posts based on Paul Tripp's Advent book Come Let Us Adore Him.
You can also read more about this book and Advent at

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