Monday, December 13, 2021

Advent Day 13 - Marching

History marched toward his birth; that baby's life would march to his death, all so grace would march, with life and hope, into our lives. 

For further study:  Galatians 4:4 - 7

For parents and children:  Get your children to talk about what a march is and why people march.  Help them to understand how God was marching the events of the world toward the coming of Jesus, and how from his birth in the manger the life of Jesus was marching toward his death on the cross to purchase our forgiveness.

"The Bible is one grand, theologically, annotated story.  The core content of the Bible is GOd's march of redemption accompanied by God's essential explanatory notes."

"The Christmas story is about a God of glorious grace on the march, invading human history with the grace of redemption."

For the month of December, there will be daily posts based on Paul Tripp's Advent book Come Let Us Adore Him.
You can also read more about this book and Advent at

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