Saturday, December 4, 2021

Advent Day 4 - Glory

The angels sang a glory song because Glory had come to earth to unleash his glory on all who would put their trust in him.

For further study:  Revelation 19:1 - 10

For parents and children:  Get your children to talk about what they think glory means.  Ask them if there are any glorious things in their lives.  Help them to understand that every glorious created thing is meant to point them to the glory of God.  Then help them to see that there is nothing more glorious than the coming of God to earth to do for us what we could never do for ourselves.

"There is something particularly glorious about the hymns that explain and define the significance of the incarnation of Jesus Christ."

"The hymns of the angels and the hymns that have been written by God's people since shimmer with glory because the incarnation of Jesus is about a glorious Savior coming to give give glorious grace to people who have forsaken his glory for the temporarily satisfying shadow glories of the created world."

"One day we will join that multitude, no longer looking forward in hope but looking back with the security of redemption accomplished, and with the angels and the saints of old we too will sing glory songs about Jesu forever and ever and ever."

For the month of December, there will be daily posts based on Paul Tripp's Advent book Come Let Us Adore Him.
You can also read more about this book and Advent at

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