Thursday, July 14, 2022

Proclaim the Gospel - part 2

This is an additional post on the fourth commitment - Proclaiming the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ - from the book Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generation.  

For more about this series of Zealous posts go to the Introduction post

Be sure to read the First Proclaiming the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ post that was written before TBC's VBS to help VBS leaders better understand the Gospel.

A faithful, clear proclamation of the Gospel is NOT linking EVERY Bible lesson to Jesus. 
If you try to do this, "it will be fanciful, because you'll come up with really clever ways of doing things that aren't really there and it'll keep you from seeing important things that are there." (p. 57).  A gospel summation is not the end goal.  A gospel foundation is.   

A faithful, clear proclamation of the Gospel is NOT merely a specific method or program.
The Bible is what children, and adults need not a specific curriculum or program.  Scripture is what is able to make you wise for salvation.

A faithful, clear proclamation of "the Gospel is shaped and defined by essential truths found throughout scripture." (p. 56)  The 10 Essential Gospel Truths in Zealous go through essential teachings.

A man-centered Gospel begins with how great you are and how much God needs you.  
A Biblical understanding of the Gospel begins with how great God is and how sinful we are.

The ultimate goal of heaven is not walking streets of gold or seeing loved ones.  The ultimate goal of heaven is God, which is why we must begin with God's sovereignty.

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