Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Disciple the Mind Heart Will

This is the fifth of seven posts from the book Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generation.  Podcasts and other links are at the bottom of this boast.

For more about this series of posts go to the Introduction post

These posts will contain a summary of a commitment along with some ways we are trying to implement that commitment at Trinity Baptist Church.  

The fifth commitment is "Disciple the Mind, Heart, and Will"

The first sentence of this fifth chapter is important to remember.  "It's not enough for children just to know what the Bible says and teaches,"  Michael says we need to INSTRUCT the mind, ENGAGE the heart, and INFLUENCE the will.  

Another way to think about it is HEAD, HEART, and HEARTS.  The children hear this in children's church.  The youth hear this in their meetings.  And this is a continuous theme in the current Bible Study for Spiritual Growth Class.  

HEAD:  Allowing the Word to shape my mind
  • What does this passage teach me about God's nature?
  • What does this passage teach me about myself in relation to God?
  • What does this passage teach me about doctrine or the Christian life?

HEART:  Allowing the Word to shape my affections
  • What does this passage tell me to feel?
  • What does this passage tell me to love?
  • What does this passage tell me to hate?
HANDS:  Allowing the Word to shape my actions
  • Do I have any sin that needs to be confessed?
  • Is there an explicit command that needs to be obeyed?
  • Is there an example that I need to follow?
  • How can I advance God's kingdom based on this passage?

From Visual Theology by Tim Challies

Bible teaching and Bible study, not just for children but for all of us, needs to increase our knowledge, stir our hearts, and change our attitudes and actions.  


Helps us grow in our understanding of you and your word.
Helps us grow in our passion for you.
Helps us grow more godly in the choices we make and the things we do.


Other resources:

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