Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jungle Journey Thursday

A summary of the whole week will be posted Sunday night.

Our Final Night's C was Consummation.
At the end of the Bible, in Revelation, we see the return of Christ, the end of sin and the curse.
This week, we learned about Jesus humbly coming to earth as a baby in a manger and humbly dying on the cross and then rising from the dead.
In Revelation, we see that one day Jesus will return gloriously!

Our memory verse, Revelation 21:4, summarizes this truth.

Our final total for Faith In Deeds offering was over $800.  Thank you so much for giving to this home for orphaned and abandoned children.

Despite having lower numbers than in previous years, we are excited about the opportunity to minister to the children and families brought to VBS this year.



Thank you to everyone who served in so many different ways.  It was great to see church members serving children, praying, and singing praises to God.    

For pictures and more, go to

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE

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