Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Jungle Journey Wednesday


The answer to our sin problem is JESUS!  

In our Opening Session, we used a verse from Faith In Deeds' VBS a couple of weeks ago - Ephesians 2:8,9

We wanted to show the kids at the very beginning of the night - before anything else - that salvation is a gift from God through Jesus Christ. 

We didn't sing this Seeds Family Worship song, but it is a great Ephesians 2:8 reminder. 

Our memory verse tonight is John 1:12

For the 2nd -6th graders

For the Toddlers through 1st graders

Tonight, our offering for Faith in Deeds went OVER $500!!

Praise the Lord, and thank you, boys and girls, for helping orphaned and abandoned kids in India.

Think about how they could earn money to bring in for the offering. 

For pictures from VBS, go to our Facebook page -

Prayer Requests and Ideas for tomorrow will be shared later.

The C for our final night is Consummation.

Once again, some verses to help you focus on the Bible, Thursday's theme of Consummation.

Acts 2:1-6
Ephesians 2:19-22
1 Timothy 3:14-15
Revelation 21:1-4
Revelation 21:22-27

Things to pray for

  • Thanks 
    • for God's provision in creation, and especially in Christ.
    • for the families that God brought to VBS.
  • Ask
    • for teachers to faithfully teach God's Word
    • for group leaders to make the most of conversation opportunities with the kids.
    • for kids to have open ears and hearts, especially during the Bible story and verse times.
    • for opportunities to follow up with families who don't have a home church.
    • that every serving this last night of VBS would glorify God and help others do the same.

For all our Jungle Journey post, click HERE


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