Monday, July 8, 2024

July 7 - Combined Sunday School - Courage

This week's supported workers of the week are the Layers in Poland.

Children's Church Lesson information follows the Kids & Parents Sunday School Class Info.

Here is the information from this week's Mark of a Christian Lesson on COURAGE.

Detailed notes from the Adult Christian Education class are HERE
Take Home Sheet from the Kids/Parents time is HERE

Combined Parents and Kids Sunday School Class.

We began the class with some songs.  If you want to watch or listen to these or other songs we sing, click HERE

  • Fruit of the Spirit 
  • 1 Timothy  (VBS song)
  • Jungle Jam (VBS song)

Explain July’s combined class

The definition of COURAGE from Time for the Talk

To pursue courage means choosing to do what is right despite the opposition of others or your own desires (often the more difficult enemy)

In our Look at the Bible time, we did two things.

First, a Word Search in Deuteronomy 31 and Joshua 1.  Families got together to see what verses contained one or both of these words (or a form of these words.

Then we talked about other examples of Courage in God's Word.

Old Testament examples of COURAGE

Examples while outside of  the Promised Land:  Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Esther

New Testament Examples of COURAGE

John the Baptist, Paul, Peter and John in Acts 5.

A Recent historical example of COURAGE

Martyn Lloyd Jones, The Doctor Who Became a Preacher. 

We then worked on this week's memory verse, Joshua 1:9, and sang Joshua 1:9 song. 

Suggested Parent/Child Activity:

Get a bottle, sand, very small rocks, and a little bigger rocks.

Which way fills the bottle up more?

1. Sand.  2.  Small rocks, 3.  Bigger rocks.
1.  Bigger rocks.  2.  small rocks.  3.  Sand

Daily Prayer: 

Father God, give us wisdom to know what is right and the courage to reject that which is corrupt. May we hide Your Word in our hearts so that we may not sin against You. May we be like Joshua, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and do the right thing no matter what. Amen

Children's Church Information:


  • People Prayed for Peter
  • God wants us to talk to Him in prayer
  • Acts 12:1-6
  • 1 Thess 5:17

PreK/ K

  • God Directs His Missionaries
  • God guides His missionaries
  • Acts 8:4-8,12, 26-40
  • Acts 8:26

1st–5th  CC

  • Living by the Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live for God
  • Gal 5:15-26; Eph 4:17-32
  • Gal 5:22,23

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