Thursday, August 29, 2024

September 1, 2024

This week's Supported Worker is our Supported Worker in Central Asia.

This quarter's themes:

  • Toddler:  Jesus and His Friends; Jesus and the Sick; Jesus and the Needy
  • PreK/K:  God Provides Life; God Provides New Life
  • 1st Grade SS:  God Plans
    • God’s Plan for Creation Begins
    • God’s Plan for Salvation Begins)
  • 2nd & 3rd Grade SS:  Creation & Promises
    • God Creates the World
    • God Shows Grace & Mercy
    • God Begins His Salvation Plan
  • 4th & 5th Grade SS:  God is Worth Believing
  • 1st – 5th Grade CC:  Beginnings in Genesis 
    • God Creates the Heavens & the Earth
    • God Provides Salvation
    • God Judges Sin and Gives Grace

This week's Lesson 


  • Friends Brought a Man to Jesus
  • God wants friends to help each.
  • Mark 2:1 – 12
  • Eph. 4:32

PreK/ K

  • God Provided His Life
  • God never had a beginning and will never have an end.
  • Ps 90:2,4; Is 46:9, 10, Rev. 1:8
  • Genesis 1:1

1st SS

  • God Is Holy
  • God is holy and completely separate from sin.
  • Lev. 19:2; Isa. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:13-19; Rev. 20:10

2nd-3rd SS

  • God Gave Us His Word
  • God’s Word tells us about God, His world, and our lives.
  • John 3:16; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; James 1:22-25; 2 Pet. 1:21
  • 2 Timothy 3:16

4th–5th SS

  • God Without End
  • God is eternal, existing outside the limits of time & space.
  • Gen 1:1; Ex 3:14; Ps 90:2; John 8:48 - 49
  • Psalm 90:2

1st–5th  CC

  • God, Creator of the Universe
  • God is the creator of the earth and universe
  • Genesis 1:1-19
  • Ps 148:3,5,12,13

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 Fall Kickoff

Who is Trinity Baptist Church? 

We are a fellowship of believers committed to glorifying God through our lives,
both as a church community and as individual followers of Jesus Christ.

We are Joyfully Pursuing the Living God
individually and as a church family.

The Fall kick-off is an annual Labor Day weekend gathering during the Sunday School hour to let families and individuals know what the children, youth, and adults are doing for Sunday School this Fall.

The big reminder from last year and this year is that ministry at Trinity Baptist Church happens when the people of God proclaim the Word of God in relationships, not only when the pastors proclaim the Word of God in buildings at specific times.  

We help parents talk with children and teenagers about their actions during different learning times.  
The children's lessons can be found at
The youth's lessons can be found in The Happening emails.

Here are the BIG topics these groups are doing.

During Sunday School and Children's Church, the 2—and 3-year-olds will learn about Jesus and His Friends, Jesus and the Sick, and Jesus and the Needy.

At the same time, the Pre-K and Kindergarten will learn about how God Provides Life and New Life.


Here are the different Children's Sunday School lessons.

The 1st Graders are learning about God's Plans, His Plans for Creation, and Salvation.

The 2nd and 3rd graders are learning about Creation and God's Promises (God Creates the World, God Shows Grace & Mercy, and God Begins His Salvation Plan)

 The 4th and 5th graders are learning that God is Worth Believing (God Is, Creates, Saves, and Creation Testifies).

 In Children's Church, the 1st through 5th graders begin in Genesis. God creates the Heavens and earth, Provides Salvation, Judges Sin, and Gives Grace.

Also, remember AWANA starts on Wednesday, September 11th, at a NEW TIME - 6:30 to 8:30. 

Pastor Dave will share some news about policy updates and important practices, including application and reaffirmation news, check-in receipts, and KIDZ wing and room news.

There are also several Disciple-making opportunities with scheduled needs and subbing.

As it relates to praying for the children's ministry

Pray for...

  • Pastor Dave and Children's Ministry Director Search
  • Randy Smith and the nursery committee
  • Teachers, Helpers, Teens, and adults who can share the love of Christ and the Truth of Christ with children.
  • The children, teens, and families God brings to Trinity Baptist Church•        Learners


Trinity Baptist's Youth Group has a new schedule.
Middle and High School will meet on Sunday nights from 5:30 to 7:30.

During Sunday School, Kathy Boes and Penny Tessler will teach the Middle Schoolers Genesis from the Gospel Project, and Pastor Jory and Andrea will teach the High Schoolers the Names of God. 

Pray for these Youth Group Disciple-makers:

Allison Plakmeyer, Mya Schaefer, Brianna De Man, and Elizabeth Griffith will work with the Middle School girls.
Sam Perry, Cory Dunn, and Pastor Jory will work with the Middle School boys.

Andrea Trim, Kelsey Tyler, and Kristina Jewell will work with the High School girls.
Greg Harmon, Caleb Griffith, Brett Birchard, and Trent Esch will work with the High School girls.



Remember, Ministry at Trinity Baptist Church happens when the people of God PROCLAIM the word of God in RELATIONSHIPS.

Some scheduled opportunities to grow, serve, and meet together:

  • Small Groups -
  • Christmas Cantata -

Scheduled opportunities in the brochure. 



Remember, Ministry at Trinity Baptist Church happens when the people of God PROCLAIM the word of God in RELATIONSHIPS.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 25, 2024

August 25th is the beginning of the promotion process for kids going into the toddler and PreK/Kinder classes and the last part of the Bible for PreK/K through 5th Grade.  All of these classes are looking at Revelation 21.

This Prayer Focus is Back to School

God Cared for Paul
God always cares for us
Acts 28:1-6
Psalm 56:3

PreK/ K
Jesus Will Live with Believers Forever
Christ is preparing an eternal home for believers
Rev 21:1-22:5
Rev 21:3

2nd-3rd SS
Jesus Will Make All Things New
Jesus will judge sinners and create a new home for believers
Rev 20:7-22:9

4th–5th SS
Christ Makes All Things New
Christ will make a new earth, where believers will live forever
Isa 65; Rev 21, 22

1st–5th  CC
New Heavens and New Earth
Christ will make us a new earth, where we live forever
Rev 21:1-22:5
Rev 21:1,3,4

Friday, August 16, 2024

Back to School

Back to School Info and Ministry Needs at Trinity, in Public Schools, and on your knees.

August is quickly coming to an end.  The school year will start very soon; for some college students, move-in day has already happened.  The August 18th bulletin is full of opportunities to serve, learn, and grow.  There is a need for many hands, feet, and energy to do the work of the ministry.    

All that is necessary, but let us never forget the ministry's most important work.
Depending upon to do His work in people's lives. 
Trusting in Jesus, not just to save us, but also to work in the lives of those we know and serve. 

We need people to serve at Trinity and in our community. 
We definitely need people to cry out to God for the workers, God, and those they serve.  

Serving at Trinity

All children's workers at TBC need to be CPP (Child Protection Policy) approved.  You can pick up an application in the office or go to
  • AWANA.  Contact Mike Guest.  For those planning to lead, remember the leader's meeting on September 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
  • Sunday Mornings.  Help kids know the love of God and learn the Bible in the nursery and other kids' classes. Contact Pastor Dave or Randy Smith.
  • Tuesday Mornings.  Help with childcare during the Tuesday morning Bible studies, contact Pastor 

Serving in the Grand Rapids community through Bible Clubs and Community Kids


Bible Clubs in Public Schools are an amazing and efficient way to share the gospel and make disciples.

If you want to be involved in a high-fruit-bearing ministry, prayerfully consider how you can help!

Clubs are gearing up to start in late September, and we are looking to start THREE NEW CLUBS in the Grand Rapids area.

There are several clubs at elementary schools near Trinity!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

July 4, 2024

This week's supported worker is Alpha Grand Rapids.  Thank you to everyone who brought diapers in during the month of July.


  • Timothy Learned God’s Word
  • Children can learn God’s Word
  • 2 Tim 1:5; 3:15
  • 2 Tim 3:15

PreK/ K

  • God Protects His Missionaries
  • God shows His power in the lives of His missionaries
  • Acts 27
  • Mark 16:20

2nd-3rd SS

  • Jesus Will Rapture His Church
  • Jesus will reward believers for their service for Him
  • 2 Cor 5:9-11; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 5:1-14

4th–5th SS

  • Christ Returns with His Church
  • Christ will return to defeat Satan and set up His Kingdom
  • Rev 19

1st–5th  CC

  • Christ’s Return
  • Christ will return to earth as the victorious king
  • Rev 19:11-21
  • Rev 21:1,3,4