Saturday, February 26, 2022

February 27

This week’s missionaries is Rochelle Visser and the Bible Clubs

The lessons and memory verses…

  • Toddler - 
    • Jesus, the Son of God 
    • 1 John 4:10
  • Kindergarten
    • Jesus showed his glory
    • John 1:14
  • 1  S.S.
    • King Solomon’s glory faded
    • Psalm 25:5a
  • 2/3  S.S.
    • Jerusalem’s restoration
    • 1 John 2:1
  • 4/5 S.S.
    • The Word rises again
    • John 20:20, 21
  • 1s – 5 C.C.
    • Extreme test of faith
    • James 2:23
FYI,  starting next Sunday these weekly posts will include 
the weekly supported worker so your family can pray for them
the title of each age groups lesson
A very basic theme so you know what the big idea of the lesson is
the passage studied, so you can talk about what the kids learned
that week's memory verse so you can practice the verse, even if they didn't go over it in class.

Songs from Children's Church (1st - 5th graders)

Great Things
This song that was sung in upstairs contains the line
"Oh Hero of Heaven...You Have Done Great Things...."
We need to remember that the story of Abraham
and every other part of the Bible is about God and
His greatness, holiness and faithfulness.

More than Conquerors.
This song is also a Bible verse the kids at Bible Club are learning.
Pray for Rochelle and the other Bible Club leaders.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Embrace a Biblical Vision

This is the first of seven monthly posts from the book Zealous: 7 Commitments for the Discipleship of the Next Generation.  Podcast and other links are at the bottom of this boast.

For more about this series of posts go to the Introduction post

These posts will contain a summary of the commitment along with some ways we are trying to implement that commitment at Trinity Baptist Church.  

The first commitment is "Embrace a Biblical Vision for the faith of the Next Generation." 

In our children's ministry, and in every ministry, we don't want to focus on doing something.  We want to focus on where we are going so that what we do has the end goal in mind.  In Zealous, David Michael writes,

Vision-oriented parents, Christian educators, and church leaders think about and act according to what they want to be true of their children in 10, 20, or 40 years hence.  Their priorities are shaped by asking questions like: 

What do we want our children to know and understand about God and His Word? 

What do we want them to understand about the gospel?  

What marks of faith and spiritual maturity do we want them to have? 

There are more questions on page 27. 

Our goal and the answers to these questions must be found in the Bible.  David Michael uses Psalm 78 to show what a Biblical vision looks like. 

Verse 4 says "tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD and His might and the wonder that he has done."

We need to MAKE MUCH OF GOD.  Don't just talk about God but rather glorify God so that the coming generation does the same.

The psalmist writes in verse 7 that we teach the next "so that they should put their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep his commandments."

We need to make much of God WITH THE GOAL OF A GROWING HOPE IN GOD throughout their lives.

Our children's ministry needs to make much of God so others will grow in the hope found in God. 

To put in more familiar words, we want to help families Joyfully Pursue the Living God.  I am not suggesting we develop a new mission or vision statement.  We need to live out the truths we find in God's Word. 

It is my prayer that children, parents, and our whole church family would grow more and more into the image of Christ (Col. 1:28).  "Him we proclaim, warning EVERYONE and teaching EVERYONE with all wisdom, that we may present EVERYONE mature in Christ."  (emphasis mine).

Pastor Dave 

Other Resources:


Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 20

This week’s missionaries are the Harmons

The lessons and memory verses…

  • Toddler - 
    • Jesus stopped a storm
    • Isaiah 41:10
  • Kinder - 
    • Jesus caused the blind to see
    • Acts 10:38
  • 1  S.S.
    • King David’s kindness
    • Psalm 143:8
  • 2/3  S.S.
    • Esther’s bravery in exile 
    • Psalm 33:10, 11
  • 4/5 S.S.
    • The Word redeems 
    • John 19:30
  • 1st – 5th C.C.
    • A Son at last 
    • James 2:23
Here are three songs we song with the 1st - 5th graders today...

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Zealous Introduction

Haven't read the introduction?  Read this page before clicking on a specific commitment.
Already read this Introduction page?  Click on specific commitments..

Commitment #1: Embrace a Biblical Vision for the Faith of the Next Generation 
Commitment #2  Foster a Robust Partnership Between Church and Home
Commitment #3  Teach the Breadth and Depth of the Whole Counsel of God
Commitment #4a  Proclaiming the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ - pt. 1
Commitment #4b  Proclaiming the Glorious Gospe of Jesus Christ - pt. 2
Commitment #5  Disciple the Mind, Heart and the Will
Commitment #6  Prayerful Dependence on God's Grace
Commitment #7  Inspire Worship of God, for the Glory of God

On February 22, 2022, Trinity's Christian Education team began working through the first of seven commitments for the discipleship of the next generation found in the book Zealous.

Hopefully, these discussion times will spill over into what we are doing through our Christian Education ministry.  Every month, a summary and some thoughts about that month's commitment reading and discussion will be shared on this blog.

Here are some key thoughts from the introductory chapter entitled "What is Zeal and Why Does It Matter?"

Zeal is so much more than enthusiasm and excitement.  "It is the result of a heart on fire for the glory of God that is uncontainable and spills out in zealous evangelism, discipleship, service, and good works." (p. 13)

I would love to see Trinity continue to grow in its zeal for God and for the discipleship of one another.  As a church, we need to pray that God would grow this zeal in each of us.

There are two passages we need to remember as we seek to grow in our zeal for God and the discipleship of one another.  Michael develops each of these verses more in the first chapter of the book.

The first is Deuteronomy 6:5  "You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your might." (emphasis mine).  Verses 6 and 7 expand upon this idea of zeal for the teaching and discipleship of the next generation.

The second verse is Colossians 1:28 "Him we proclaim, warning everyone {including our children] and teaching everyone [including our children] with all wisdom, that we may present everyone [including our childrenmature in Christ." (emphasis the author's)

If you are interested in learning more about the 7 commitments there are three ways you can find out more.

  1. The Zealous podcast
  2. Free PDF version of the book:
  3. I have paperback copies of the book.  If you are interested in one call, email, or text me.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 13

 This week’s missionaries are the Harmons

The lessons and memory verses…

  • Toddler - 
    • Jesus listened to his disciples
    • Isaiah 41:10
  • Kinder
    • Jesus caused the deaf to hear
    • Acts 10:38
  • 1st  S.S.
    • David said “No” to revenge
    • Psalm 56:3
  • 2nd/3rd  S.S.
    • Daniel’s historic interpretation 
    • Prov. 21:1
  • 4th/5th S.S.
    • The Word relates
    • John 15:5
  • 1st – 5th C.C.
    • No laughing matter 
    • James 2:23

Saturday, February 5, 2022

February 6

This week’s missionaries are our retired missionaries

The lessons and memory verses…

  • Toddler - 
    • Jesus made a boy well 
    • Jeremiah 32:17
  • Kinder - 
    • Jesus raised the dead
    • John 11:25
  • 1  S.S.
    • David’s giant faith
    • 1 Samuel 16:7b
  • 2/3  S.S.
    • Judah’s light dimmed
    • Psalm 32:10
  • 4/5 S.S.
    • The Word Serves
    • John 13:34, 35
  • 1st – 5th C.C.
    • A rejected mother returns home
    • James 2:23